Composing - Castle Rock

The last month I played a lot with Flowscape. As I mentioned before (looking here), Flowscape is a 3D building software for environments. So I created many worlds in the last time and often I was not happy with the results. 
Not with this castle in the rocks here. I started with an idea in my mind and this is not always so. Often I just played with the software and hope the best but here I had a sketch first. Maybe you see that I were inspired by lord of the rings. Helm's Deep was in my mind as I built the environment. I would not copy the castle but I wanted to use the idea of it as a foundation stone. A massive fortress in the rocks with a lake in front was my idea. I built the scene but I did another picture without water because the software had problems with water and fog so I did another version with trees in front of. Finally I'm happy with both versions. Water with reflections is nice in pictures and with the right light atmosphere however Flowscape has some problems with it. I hope for a coming versions which solve this issue. 
For the first picture I was missing something so I search in my archive for stock photo which brings more life in the scene. I decided that this knight I photographed years ago on a medieval event will fits perfect in the scene. Like a scout before an attack. What to you think? I love building such environments and create art with it. Many works will come...

Here is a snapshot direct from Flowscape.


  1. Hui, du bist jetzt auch international geworden ;) Mein Herz macht immer einen kleinen Hüpfer, wenn ich alle paar Monate entdecke, dass Blogger von früher noch aktiv sind.

    Spannend, dass du auch in den 3D Bereich schnupperst. von Flowscape habe ich noch nie etwas gehört. Ich arbeite mit Cinema 4D (ein hoch auf Studentenlizenzen) und werde mir demnächst noch Blender anschauen. Sieht auf jeden Fall klasse aus, was du da gebastelt hast. Sehr düster und stimmungsvoll. Ja und Nebel und Staub darf natürlich auf deinen Bildern nicht fehlen :D

    Liebe Grüße > Sara


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