Radio Telescope II

Second part of the pictures of the Radio Telescope Effelsberg. The day we visited the telescope in Germany was public holiday so many people was there. The most of it at the main area for visitors so we decided to walk around the telescope. It's a nice round because the telescope is in a small valley surrounded by forests. At the most parts of the trail the trees are to dense  for a view at the telescope. Only sometimes you have the possibility to see the gigantic satellite dish. Framed by trees than it looks really fantastic. After our tour we arrived at the main visitors area and enjoy a coffee break. In this time the satellite dish was very active. It looks really cool when the huge telescope starts to move in every direction. On timelapse video it looks much more cooler. There is a webcam by the Max Planck Institute where you can see a timelapse video. The last time I watch the video I saw a really cool sunrise direct behind the telescope.


