Grossglockner II

It's time for another blog post in a bad English language. Today the focus is on night photos near the Grossglockner. Travel with a camper gives you a feeling of freedom and often I forget this especially nights. Often we are staying overnight in the wildness and often I forgot to use this time for trying photos of the milky-way. This time I was full of anticipation because I thought about the great view and the less of light pollution. So I hoped for good weather conditions. Clouds are the enemy number one if you will photograph the night sky. Are the sky is completely covered by clouds there is no chance but also just few clouds could be a problem. Clouds reflect the light from the earth so it depends on the ambient light and the cloud density. In the evening there were many clouds and a thunderstorm was far away, so the conditions were not so good but I'm not often so high therefor I had to try to make photos of the milky way. 
First you have to find the galaxy and then hope for a good clear sight. I had the wrong lens with me so I set the ISO very high, because if you exposure time is to long, you will get lines. I used the 24-120mm f4 lens and a NIKON D610. A lens with a more open aperture would be better but the best equipment is that one has with you. I tried few shots and finally I got two photos with a touch of milky way. My personal highlight is the Grossglockner night shot with the lodge. The pulling clouds and the deep blue is fantastic. But the best on such a place to stay overnight is that you can enjoy your morning coffee with a view. 


  1. Wahnsinnig schöne Bilder! Auf dem Großglockner war ich als Kind öfter mit meinen Eltern (ok, nicht drauf, aber mit dem Auto über den Pass gefahren). Österreich war damals unser bevorzugtes Urlaubsland.

    Liebe Grüße, Jörg vom Wanderblog Outdoorsuechtig


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