Grossglockner I

Next stop was planned near the Grossglockner which is with 3.798 meters the highest mountain in the Austrian Alps. Here is with the High Alpine Road one of the beautiful passes of the Alps. 2017 was the last time I drove via this street with this amazing view in the Italian direction. This time I planned to stay the night on the Kaiser-Franz-Josef-height. Here is the possibility to stay with a camper on 2.369 meters. Sleep with a view. In 2017 I drove only over the Hochtor-Pass without a side trip to the Kaiser-Franz-Josef-height, so the last time I stand here with a view to the Pasterze Glacier was in 1993. I have no pictures from 1993 but I was really surprised about the size of the glacier. When I remember the size in 1993 was much bigger as today so here you see definitely the negative effects of the climate change. As I mentioned I have no own compare photos so I will share a Website (Gletscherarchiv) were you can see pictures of the glacier over the time. Take a look and think about this problem which is from my point of view the biggest problem in our time.

Today I will show pictures of our way from the Galitzenklam to the Kaiser-Franz-Josef-height near the Grossglockner. There are some amazing views on a absolute fantastic road. From a church in divine sunlight via a panorama barn and mountains. There were so many motives, I could have parked behind every curve.  I love Austria and I'm a little bit jealous about the mountains and the views. 

Today I don't want to write about current problems. I'm a little bit tired about the media reporting and the discussions with so many "experts" in the commentary columns who are know without science the solution of every problem. My message today is, think positive , stay at home, stay healthy and don't panic. Live is wonderful even with problems.

