Dolomite Alps III
Last blog post about pictures from my little paradise in the Dolomites. We leaved our location and we tried to walk along the river. It was definitely possible but after some difficult climbing passages we decided to walk the easy way. We wore the wrong clothes and there are some other items. On our way we met some young Italian guys who drunk beer, listen to music and enjoy there life. We did a small talk and they were the last days in Berlin on vacation. So we had an exchange and we are now definitely on our way home. But first we had some several stops in Austria, so there will come more pictures from the Alps.
Some statements to the current situation. We are all in a strange situation and there are still people who don't accept that this pandemic is a challenge. There are so many conspiracy theories, disinformation and fake news on social media. I read so often that people said that COVID-19 is just a flu. Guys, whats wrong with you. As I remember we had in the last decades not the situation that doctors did perform triage because a flu. I know that the situation is not easy to understand but why some of you don't believe in science? There are many institutes and experts who are talk daily about the current situation and what can happen. Please don't believe in idiots on facebook or youtube videos. Yes, there are some doctors who talked about, that the current situation is not as bad as the government said, But these are often alone with this meaning and sometimes interested in self-presentation. There are definitely more and competent experts in the official institutes like the german Robert Koch Institut for example.
Another point ist disinformation. There are some states and organisations which are using the situation to split our society. Stay alert for fake news and check the sources. Facebook, Instagram and Youtube are not reliable sources and always remember media companies like Sputnik News and Russia Today are state financed institutes which are often spread disinformation and manipulation. These are just examples. There are some other sources of disinformation. China is also interested to influence in western states but also the US President is a daily source on twitter how disinformation works. Last days I compared CNN with FOX News and this is really strange what you can see there. Now I don't wonder about the thinking of many Americans.Sometimes it is good to visit the EU against Disinformation media portal to check what for disinformation can be found in cyberspace. I think this is really important.
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