last year

What a shit weather this year. It's end of May and we have no sun.
Only a lot of rain and grey sky. I feel like an English man.
But I'm not a men who cry about the weather. 
I look at pictures from this time last year and hope the summer will be good.
Last year to this time I was on vacation at the north sea.
With a little trip to Frankfurt on the way to home. 
I think a lot of my blog visitors know the pictures but today I will show again.
I wants to sink in my memories and forget the rainy weather outside.
And perhaps it will stop to rain.
Then I make raindrop pictures as so often this year.

But we wants to think positive, the next week the weather must be really good.
I think so many water can no longer be in the clouds.
Someday the clouds must be empty and then we get sunshine.
I hope...

But now take a look to the pictures from last year.
I will show you first a picture from Hamburg. This is a wonderful shot from buildings near
the harbor. I like the mirrors and the angle of the pictures.
And also the black and white process.

This submarine is a museum in Bremerhaven. 
One of the last German submarines in World War 2.
I shot 5 pictures for this panorama. 
I love it with the buildings in background. A very good motive for a panorama.

Now some pictures from the shore of the north sea. 
First a picture from some crab cutter who lay in the harbor at low tide.
I like it, here are wonderful light. Is perfect for the seaman mood.
Then another picture with some buoys. Here I love the wideness and the Wadden Sea.
Wideness, no motive is better to show wideness as a ocean.
Also wonderful are the lighthouses. A motive with a lot of romantic I think.

Now we come to the city of Frankfurt. Skyscrapers and a lot of city feeling are here.
We had also luck with the weather. All the time good weather, not so like this year.
A city with a lot of wonderful architecture motives. 
Here I would go every day one or two hours with my camera to catch the city feeling.

In the summer in the city...


  1. 1,3 und 5 sind meine persönlichen Favoriten.
    Das erste ist richtig gut gespiegelt, weswegen es zu "perfekt" und doch unnormal aussieht.
    Das dritte ist von der Farbe her super schön, besonders der Sonnenuntergang und das Meer :)
    Und das fünfte Bild wirkt still, wobei der Himmel aber vorbei zu ziehen scheint. Keine Ahnung wie du das hinbekommst, aber das sind wirklich ausgezeichnete Werke :)

    Der ToastKunst war's


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