Since January I go a new way.
The most time alone. Now it's time for my three girls to take a look in my another home.
First we went to my little flat. My oldest daughter loves my 20qm
and wants to move in the flat next to my.
After the inspection of my flat we went into the city.
More then ten years ago that I was the last time here and now
I live 5 month here and it was also for me the first time in the city center for a long time.
Something changed and something I forgot but I feel good here.
And my family too.
Unfortunately is there no possibility at the moment that my family moves with me.
So I stay the next months perhaps years here for sometime, alone.
Fortunately is it for me possible to drive home when I want,
it's only 50 minutes time to drive.
But it's to much to drive every day.
So I hope for good weather that I can walk often through the city and take pictures.
So the time passes faster.
Here now some impressions from the city and also from the funfair.
It was luck that to this time the funfair is in the city.
We walked a round and look how the people were shaken by the carousel.

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