situation is pretty much fucked up


Actually I wanted to write about some nice trips or something else, but currently I'm speechless. Today my vacation begins and I'm absolute not sure what I have to do now?

When you follow the news about what is happening in western Germany, you definitely know that there are catastrophic situations in my area. In my last post I showed as so many times before photos from my favorite places of the beautiful Ahr valley and now this beautiful valley has been turned into a natural disaster. Many people died and so many lost all they have. I had absolutely luck. We live on a hill close to Ahrweiler, the city which looks today as a war area. Currently helicopter collect people in the valley because it's not possible to arrive many places with vehicles. Sirens non stop. Currently it's for me not possible to help. The situation is not really clear. First the experts have to safe the people. Some of my friend are direct affected but everybody is safe. Hope the situation will not change another time and we can start to clean up soon. 
Another hotspot here in Erftstadt which is in the Cologne direction. Absolutely unbelievable what is happened there. It looks on aerial photos like the earth opened and devoured everything. It's hard to believe that water have such a power. All that happened between few hours. The weather forecast warned for strong rainfalls and flooding areas but nobody thought about that such things could happen. I hope everybody will be rescued and that the people don't give up. The last year was absolutely hard because of Corona measures especially for the little bars and restaurants. The Ahr valley is a wine and tourist area with many of small restaurants and wine shops. All of these restaurants had problems because of lock downs. Now as something which is similar to a normal life started again and now that. I'm so incredible sorry about that!

The upper photo I did last year. Today I found a photo on Zeit Online from exactly this street. I will share it here and I hope It's ok. I don't want to make photos by myself, because every person who is active in this area could possible obstruct the rescue forces. 


  1. Ja, es ist ein große Katastrophe die hier stattfindet und die auch uns in Bayern betroffen macht - obwohl das Gebiet weit weg ist.
    Wir werden noch etwas Geld spenden - jeder Cent ist da gut investiert.
    Ich wünsche dir trotzdem eine erholsame Urlaubszeit.
    vg, oli

    1. Danke Oli,

      Ja meine Urlaub ist derzeit bissl verhauen aber das macht nichts. Haben wenigstens die Verwandtschaft mal besucht. Momentan schauen wir wie sich das Wetter und die Corona-Lage entwickelt um dann mit dem Wohnmobil mal noch raus zu kommen.
      Die ersten Aufräumarbeiten sind soweit durch und man kann als Helfer gar nicht mehr so viel machen, wenn die Möbel und der Schlamm erstmal draußen ist. Jetzt heißt es trocknen und dann wieder aufbauen, aber dass ist ja mehr oder weniger etwas wo man nicht blind mit der Schaufel hingeht und helfen kann. Jetzt kommt eher die Phase wo man Leuten hilft die man kennt und schaut, dass es irgendwie möglich ist wieder zu leben.


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